Monday, November 23, 2009

Increasing Your Capacity and Slump Proofing Your Leadership Part 4

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven"

Of all the questions I deal with as a leader, this is the one that may give me the greatest challenge in increasing my capacity. The Timing Question asks "Do I Crockpot Or Microwave My Ideas?" The reason this is the next element to increasing your leadership capacity as that as a continual learner, you will always be getting many new ideas. However, the acquisition of and implementation of key learnings are two different things. Always remember, things just taste better coming out of a crockpot rather than a microwave.

Too often, I have taken something I just learned and immediately tried to implement it. While my bias towards action and enthusiasm is certainly admirable, I did not understand the value of the newly acquired information and improperly used it. Often my efforts were improperly timed and lacked the impact they were capable of.

Qadry Ismail tells another story from the 2002 Jacksonville Jaguar game. In the first quarter, Jacksonville Cornerback Jason Craft thought he had uncovered how the Colts ran a particular route and notified Ismail of such. Ismail relayed that information to Peyton Manning and Offensive Coordinator Tom Moore. Manning filed it away until the perfect moment in the third quarter when he changed the play and threw a 12-yard touchdown pass to Ismael.

We get another example of delayed implementation from New Orleans Saints Offensive Line Coach Aaron Kromer. Kromer does not waste time during the week as he watches run games from every NFL game that week. As he says "I recognize...that there are many intelligent coaches in the league who can advance your knowledge exponentially. That's how you grow as a coach, and I believe it's how you grow as a player too."

Out of these hundreds of plays he has seen, he noticed a play late in a 2008 Atlanta Falcon - Carolina Panther game used by Mike Mularkey that he thought would one day fit his personnel. In a week 3 game in Buffalo, he installed the play in his gameplan. The results, a fourth quarter touchdown run by Pierre Thomas that put the game away. As Peter King said "When you have smart coaches, players with ability who can learn and adapt, and good backs, good things can happen in the run game."

How do you know when it is the right time to implement an idea? The following are a couple of good parameters to follow:

  1. Have you listened to others prior to the idea's creation and built on their thoughts? Manning listened to Ismael and Tom Moore. Kromer listened to great offensive minds like Mularkey, Joe Bugel, and Bill Callahan. Who are you listening to on a daily basis? Who you listen to and learning from will greatly affect your capacity.

  2. Have you included others in the implementation of the idea? As noted, Ismael included Manning and Moore. If you have the right people around you, others will make your ideas better. Proverbs 24:6 says "And in abundance of counselors there is victory."

  3. Have you tested your idea? Kromer practiced the play a few times in the offseason and filed it away. However, they spent much time practicing it the week prior to the game. By gametime, they were comfortable with the play and ready to perform it. Before going public with your idea, you must test it privately.

  4. Do you let the needs your church, community, marketplace, or competition drive the timing of the release of your idea? In both examples listed, extensive film work and gameplanning took place on the competition before utilizing the idea. Do you know if your idea meets a need or answers questions people are asking? You've heard that certain people were born 10 years too early. Well, you can give birth to your ideas too early as well.

  5. Do you use your ideas when they will get maximum results? This is the big one. Each example given above resulted in a touchdown. There is a big difference in implementing your ideas to get a first down in midfield and using them to score. Before unleashing your idea, factor in the results. Will you get a pat on the back for being creative, or will you do something that results in significant life change?

That's the secret. As a continual learner, are you listening to quality people? Do you surround yourself with people who can make your ideas better? Did you practice your concepts or field test your ideas before going public? Did you listen to your church or marketplace? Did you wait for the opportune time to implement your idea for maximum results? If so, there's one additional concept you should know about - Compounding.

There is a compounding effect to waiting and utilizing your ideas at the proper time. You can pay now and play later. Or you can play now and pay later. Here's the secret -Whatever you do later, you will have more of. If you wait and do the 5 steps I outlined, your ideas will achieve maximum results and your leadership capacity will increase.

Check back later this week for Chapter 5 when look at the The Environmental Question which asks "Does My Organization Provide The Environment For My Capacity to Increase?"